Christina Smith Christina Smith

Specificity of Praise

“Good job.”

How many times have you heard this from a manager? It clearly communicates that an employee has done something well, and the praise helps motivate them to keep working hard. Overall, it’s a good saying.

But it could be so much better.

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Christina Smith Christina Smith

The Year of HR

While 2023 might officially be the year of the rabbit, we at Neo Consulting Group think it might unofficially be the year of Human Resources (HR). This once-overlooked, back-office function has now been pushed to the forefront of business conversations, due in part to a global pandemic, remote work challenges, and concerns over social justice. From recruiting and training employees to developing and implementing policies and procedures, HR touches every aspect of an organization.

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Christina Smith Christina Smith

Commander’s Intent

If we want our teams to execute effectively and efficiently, they must know the desired outcome.

It sounds obvious, but how frequently do we find our teams gridlocked, not knowing how to progress or move forward? We’ve all seen it and perhaps even been part of it. Smart, high-caliber employees bumble into each other - wasting time, resources, and effort because they don’t know which way is up. Leaders can’t be in each meeting or make every decision for their teams. So how do we get the organization moving in the same direction?

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